• 3.11

    Highlights At the end of the 2023/24 reporting cycle, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General was preparing to introduce the first phase of Police Act legislative amendments, which are focused on municipal police governance and oversight, and represent an interim step towards longer-term and broader legislative modernization. The bill includes over 80 amended…

  • 3.06

    Highlights In follow-up to the Anti-Racism Data Act, tabled in June 2022, the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC), Alliance of BC Modern Treaty Nations (the Alliance), BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC) and Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) were consulted and engaged in 2023-24 to gather thoughts on the new broader anti-racism legislation and…

  • 3.03

    Highlights In August 2023, the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) sent a letter to the Ministers of Education and Child Care (ECC) and Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills (PSFS) requesting the initiation of an Indigenous-specific racism review in British Columbia’s K-12 and post-secondary public education sectors. In response to this letter, work on this action…

  • 3.13

    Highlights The Province and Métis Nation BC (MNBC) continued negotiations and engagement on the Métis Justice Strategy throughout 2023-24. The Province deferred making an endorsement decision in summer 2023 and continued engagement with MNBC through fall-winter 2023/24. The Province is now working towards endorsement of the Métis Justice Strategy during fiscal 2024/25. How are we…

  • 3.12

    Highlights In June 2023, a new Indigenous Justice Centre (IJC) opened in Chilliwack.  IJCs provide culturally appropriate information, advice, supports and representation for all Indigenous Peoples involved in the justice system for both criminal and child-protection matters. IJCs aim to address the circumstances that may have led to the offences in the first place and…

  • 3.07

    Highlights The Ministry of Health’s In Plain Sight (IPS) task team, which included representation from the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Métis Nation BC, provincial health authorities and other ministries and health system partners, created to fulfill the obligations of recommendation #24 of the report In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C.…

  • 3.01

    Highlights In alignment with a distinctions-based approach, the Public Service Agency (PSA) is working with the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC), Alliance of BC Modern Treaty Nations (the Alliance) historic treaty nations, and Métis Nation BC (MNBC) to develop and deliver a learning framework that addresses the learning needs identified in this action item. These…

  • 3.04

    Highlights The Ministry of Education and Child Care (ECC) implemented a new graduation requirement in the 2023/24 school year to ensure all students complete Indigenous-focused coursework before they graduate from British Columbia’s K-12 education system. The new requirement will impact approximately 40,000 students graduating this school year. How are we working together? ECC engaged with…