Declaration Act Secretariat
The Declaration Act Secretariat, led by Deputy Minister Jessica Wood/Si Sityaawks, is a central agency within government that was created to guide and assist the Province to ensure provincial laws align with the UN Declaration and are developed in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous Peoples, as set out in section 3 of the Declaration Act.

About the Secretariat
Announced in Budget 2022, the Secretariat’s core functions are to provide guidance on consultation and co-operation and consistency of laws; develop processes and measures to support alignment of laws; inform government’s legislative agenda and serve in an interlocutor role.

Interim approach
The Secretariat released the ‘Interim Approach to Implement the Requirements of Section 3 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act’ in October 2022.

Declaration Act Secretariat Leadership
Meet the Declaration Act Secretariat.