• 4.35

    Highlights The Heritage Conservation Act transformation project (HCATP) has co-developed materials and resources through the joint working group on first nations heritage conservation, with input from the Alliance of B.C. Modern Treaty Nations. The first two phases of engagement with First Nations and stakeholders on the HCATP has successfully concluded. Analysis of feedback has led…

  • 4.30

    Highlights Initiatives delivered by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council In 2023/24, the First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) provided grants, training, technologies and resources to assist First Nations with work to revitalize their languages, arts and heritage.  Highlights included: In February 2023, FPCC released the fourth edition of the Report on the Status of BC First…

  • 4.26

    Highlights On September 11, 2023, Métis Nation BC (MNBC) signed a letter of understanding with the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). The letter recognizes the common goals between the two organizations of providing equitable access to health services for Métis people, and improving health and wellness outcomes for Métis people within PHSA’s health services in…

  • 4.25

    Highlights To achieve the Province’s target of building 3,500 new housing units for Indigenous Peoples on- and off- reserve across British Columbia, the Ministry of Housing is working to strengthen existing partnerships, build new relationships, and advance housing projects that support Indigenous leadership, input, and participation throughout the housing sector and across all Ministry initiatives.…

  • 4.21

    Highlights The Province committed to an Indigenous-led process that brings together urban Indigenous leaders to create better outcomes for Indigenous Peoples in urban areas. On February 22, 2023, an initial dialogue was attended by 50+ urban Indigenous leaders from across the province. This started the conversation and provided an opportunity to explore how people and…

  • 4.20

    Highlights Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) and the Province of British Columbia have reset their relationship to support the B.C.-Métis relations table and fulfill objectives under the Declaration Act Action Plan. The formation of technical tables specific to economic development, culture, housing, health and emergency management are significant steps forward in supporting Métis reconciliation efforts…

  • 4.17

    Highlights In collaboration with First Nations in B.C., Métis and Inuit, the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) continues the work to substantially reduce the number of Indigenous children and youth in care through the ongoing transformation and enhancement of children and family services across British Columbia. First Nations, Métis and Inuit have long…

  • 4.14

    Highlights Approved funding for real-time virtual support services in 2023/24 supported physicians and other health care providers to provide culturally safe virtual primary care services, including extended hours and increased access to care for those who have difficulties travelling. While respectfully acknowledging the capacity and priorities of First Nations, Métis and Inuit across the province,…

  • 4.12

    Highlights Prescribed alternatives to the toxic supply (formerly termed ‘prescribed safer supply’) and other harm reduction efforts are part of a comprehensive package of health sector interventions to address the toxic drug crisis and function to provide life-saving interventions. As of December 2023, there are 50 overdose prevention services (OPS) and supervised consumption services (SCS)…

  • 4.10

    Highlights The Ministry of Health is advancing the planning and implementation of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and First Nations-led Primary Care Centres (FNPCCs) across the province, involving First Nations and Métis partnerships that are reflective of the local communities and regions they will serve. As of March 2024, 79 of 103 planned PCNs have launched…