• “This is truly a collaborative process. It is going to strengthen these areas and help us steward these areas together.”

    The Kitasoo Xai’xais and Nuxalk First Nations, along with BC Parks, have launched a new pilot program that designates 11 Indigenous guardians with the same legal authorities as park rangers within the parks and protected areas in their ancestral territories.

  • 1.11

    Highlights TBD Indicators How are we working together? TBD Are there challenges? TBD

  • 1.09

    Highlights The Native Education College (NEC) has received conditional approval to offer their first Associate Degree in Indigenous studies, which signifies their growing capacity. Engagement and discussion will continue in 2024/25. How are we working together? Work continues between the partners to advance these initiatives. For work related to the NEC, through the StrongerBC Future…

  • 1.07

    Highlights The Ministry of Education and Child Care (ECC) provided a grant to the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) in April 2023 for $4 million over two years to support their participation in policy, program and resource development, including engagement on this action. Engagement with FNESC on a joint approach to this action is…

  • 1.05

    Actions 1.04 and 1.05 guide the Province’s work to co-develop a new fiscal relationship and framework with Indigenous Peoples. The Province is consulting and co-operating on both actions through a single engagement process. Highlights The release of the ‘New Fiscal Framework’s ‘What We Heard’ report in April 2023 highlights the significant time and effort that…

  • 1.03

    Highlights This year Tahltan Central Government and the Province entered into a second consent-based decision-making agreement under section 7 of the Declaration Act in relation to the future operation of the Red Chris mine located in Tahltan Territory. This agreement is a necessary step forward in the evolving progression of co-governance relationships between First Nations…

  • 1.01

    Highlights TBD Indicators How are we working together? TBD Are there challenges? TBD

  • 1.10

    Highlights In 2023, the Emergency and Disaster Management Act (EDMA) was enacted following extensive consultation and collaboration efforts, representing a significant achievement in emergency management in B.C. The foundation of the EDMA rests upon the United Nations Sendai Framework “all-of-society” concept – a collective commitment to safeguarding communities and mitigating risks. The EDMA recognizes First…

  • 1.08

    Highlights First Nations-mandated institutes play a vital role by providing First Nations learners with the opportunity to access programs that are rooted in their language and culture, and to experience success in a safe and culturally relevant environment. First Nations have repeatedly and consistently identified the need for recognition and stable funding of First Nations-mandated…

  • 1.06

    Highlights Bill 40 was passed in the B.C. Legislature on November 8, 2023, introducing a requirement that school districts apply a Model Local Education Agreement (Model LEA) at the request of a First Nation. First Nations may also choose not to have an LEA, to remain in their existing LEA, or to negotiate a custom…