
Recognize the integral role of Indigenous-led post-secondary institutes as a key pillar of B.C.’s post-secondary system through the provision of core funding, capacity funding and the development of legislation. This includes institutes mandated by First Nations, as well as a Métis post-secondary institute being developed by Métis Nation BC.

Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

Year started


Current year


How far along
is this work?


How complicated
is this work?


Are there


How are we
working together?


First Nations-mandated institutes play a vital role by providing First Nations learners with the opportunity to access programs that are rooted in their language and culture, and to experience success in a safe and culturally relevant environment. First Nations have repeatedly and consistently identified the need for recognition and stable funding of First Nations-mandated institutes given that they fill a critical need for First Nations’ learners that cannot be met by public post-secondary institutions. The intent of this action is to ensure that legislation enacted reflects the critical role of First Nations-mandated institutes in B.C.’s post-secondary system and establishes ongoing core and capacity funding commitments. The proposed legislation supports the alignment of B.C. laws with Article 14 (1) and (2) of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

Through the StrongerBC: Future Ready Action Plan, the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills (PSFS) secured $6 million in annual ongoing core operating funding for eligible First Nations-mandated institutes and $450,000 in annual capacity funding for institutes that meet eligibility criteria for that funding. In response to the Métis Nation BC (MNBC) business plan, strategic consultations on the Métis component of this action are underway and continue, with MNBC engaging all 40 Chartered Communities across B.C. 

How are we working together?

PSFS has been working in collaboration and consultation with the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA) throughout the legislative development process. PSFS has undertaken two rounds of consultation pertaining to the policy and draft legislation with First Nations and Modern Treaty Nations.

PSFS and MNBC engage regularly at ongoing meetings and as work is developed. 

Are there challenges?

The First Nations-mandated institutes legislation was introduced in the B.C. Legislature during the Spring 2024 legislative session. Work is still required prior to bringing the legislation into force, including collaboratively developing a Cabinet regulation to establish eligibility criteria, along with the policies and processes needed to fully implement the act.

Previous years’ progress

2022/2023 progress details

Action 1.08 – Year 1 progress image shows: How far along – implementation, how complicated is the work – notable complexity, are there challenges – some challenges, how are we working together – notable engagement.


Key components of this action are to ensure that legislation is enacted that recognizes the integral role of First Nations-mandated institutes in the BC post-secondary system and commits to provide ongoing core and capacity funding. This is part of the alignment of laws of British Columbia with Article 14 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. First Nations-mandated institutes play a significant role in First Nation communities, helping to fill gaps where the mainstream education and post-secondary education systems have not been able to adequately support First Nation learners. Their role in supporting First Nation learners to continue their education journey has been and continues to be a key component of BC’s education system and for this reason, the institutes need to be recognized through legislation.

Planning funding has been secured to support Métis Nation BC (MNBC) with institute development and discussions are ongoing regarding possible governing structures through ongoing meetings.


  • Amount of funding provided: One-time core funding of $4 million for First Nations mandated institutes provided in 2022/23 with an ongoing commitment of $6.7 million in annual core and capacity funding for First Nations-mandated institutes in the Stronger BC: Future Ready Action Plan.

How are we working together?

Consultation and collaborative development with the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA) regarding the funding of First Nations-mandated post-secondary institutes predates the Declaration Act Action Plan and continues through regular meetings and collaborative policy development for the legislation and future requests for increased funding. Consultation on the legislation will be conducted with First Nations and engagement with the First Nations Leadership Council is planned.

The Ministry is taking a distinctions-based approach to implementing this action. As such, we are having separate discussions with FNESC and IAHLA and with the Métis Nation BC (MNBC).

Are there challenges?

Ongoing core and capacity funding for First Nations-mandated institutes has been secured as part of the StrongerBC: Future Ready Action Plan. Collaboratively developing all aspects of this policy and legislative initiative is complex and is taking some time to work through.