
Co-develop an approach to deliver on the BC Tripartite Education Agreement commitment, in which the Ministry of Education and the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) will co-develop legislation that requires local education agreements (LEAs) with First Nations where a First Nation wants one, and that requires the application of the provincial LEA at the request of a First Nation.

Ministry of Education and Child Care

Year started


Current year


How far along
is this work?


How complicated
is this work?


Are there


How are we
working together?


Bill 40 was passed in the B.C. Legislature on November 8, 2023, introducing a requirement that school districts apply a Model Local Education Agreement (Model LEA) at the request of a First Nation. First Nations may also choose not to have an LEA, to remain in their existing LEA, or to negotiate a custom LEA with school districts. Legislation was co-developed with the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC).

How are we working together?

The Ministry of Education and Child Care (ECC) and FNESC have met regularly since April 2021 to co-develop the LEA approach, including a Model LEA. FNESC has been consulting with First Nations prior to the signing of the BC Tripartite Education Agreement in 2018 and, over the last four years to ensure First Nations’ directions are incorporated into the Model LEA. ECC has been meeting with First Nations and Treaty First Nations on the proposed policy since February 2023.

Are there challenges?

Organizational capacity and competing priorities for all parties impact the ability to meet key legislative timelines for Ministerial Order amendments.

Previous years’ progress

2022/2023 progress details

Action 1.06 – Year 1 progress image shows: How far along – implementation, how complicated is the work – some complexity, are there challenges – some challenges, how are we working together – notable engagement.


The Ministry of Education and Child Care (ECC) has engaged collaboratively with the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) to work through problems and come to a consensus on solutions to implement BC Tripartite Education Agreement (BCTEA) commitments. Consultation with Indigenous rights holders on the policy approach is currently ongoing.

Next steps are continuing work on co-development of policy and planning for potential legislative changes.


  • Strategic engagement underway: Legislation and Policy Working Group formed with FNESC and initial policy development discussions underway.

How are we working together?

ECC and FNESC have had regular meetings since April 2021 to co-develop the Local Education Agreement (LEA) approach. FNESC consulted with First Nation governments prior to the signing of BCTEA in 2018 and over the last four years to ensure First Nation direction was incorporated into a provincial LEA template. In addition to co-development with FNESC, ECC has been engaging with First Nations and Treaty First Nations on the proposed LEA policy since February 2023.

Are there challenges?

Timelines for implementation, legislative changes and ensuring that First Nations and boards of education are appropriately informed of any new policies.