Interim approach
The Declaration Act Secretariat released the ‘Interim Approach to Implement the Requirements of Section 3 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act’ in October 2022.
Interim Approach to Implement the Requirements of Section 3 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
In October 2022, the Declaration Act Secretariat released the ‘Interim Approach to Implement the Requirements of Section 3 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act’. The world-leading interim guidance approach provides every ministry and sector of government with clear, transparent processes for how they are to work together with Indigenous Peoples in developing provincial laws, policies and practices, as required under the Declaration Act.
The Interim Approach brings together what government has learnt on co-developing laws since 2019 and is helping government transition towards an approach of law-making that is thoughtful, consistent, and supports legal commitments to affirm Indigenous rights.
Read the report written on Section 3 by Dr. Roshan Danesh, KC that informed the Interim Approach. While the Interim Approach was created by the Declaration Act Secretariat, it was developed in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous leadership, ensuring Indigenous rights are affirmed through this work.