Measuring progress

As the first jurisdiction to adopt the UN Declaration and create an action plan, B.C. is leading the way to advance reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and create a better future for all. 

The Declaration Act Action Plan represents complex, interconnected, and generational change – all within the context of first-of-its-kind work. As the Province navigates this work in partnership with Indigenous Peoples, there is a need for early signals of what is working and what is not so efforts can be expanded or shift course. At the same time, longer-range signals of progress towards the Action Plan outcomes will also need to be considered. 

While the Declaration Act Annual Report has included action-specific indicators in the past, the Province is working with First Nations and Métis partner organizations to identify more meaningful indicators that will support accountability and show progress against the Action Plan outcome statements. These indicators will be organized in a wholistic indicator framework reflecting the breadth and interconnectedness of the UN Declaration. 

The collaborative work underway across government will identify new indicators where significant and critical work is occurring, but little data or visibility exists. This work will be grounded in Indigenous data sovereignty and will reflect the growing institutional capacity among First Nations and Métis to govern and report on their data. 

The shared development of indicators is a strong indicator itself – an indicator of the growth and development of collaborative work under the Declaration Act. Measuring progress on outcomes through an action plan indicator framework will provide new and unique insights that will strengthen this complex work in efficient, effective, and partnered ways. The Province is committed to accountable and transparent reporting through improved data and measurement in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous Peoples.