Three young people standing in the clam field, holding clams and smiling.

Annual Report

The Province reports on progress made to implement the Declaration Act through annual reports – a requirement of the Act. The annual reports are developed in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous Peoples in B.C. and publicly released by June 30 each year.

Together with Indigenous Peoples and all British Columbians, we’re building a stronger B.C. through partnerships and agreements that create economic opportunities, good jobs, and help build a better future for all.​

The 2023-24 Declaration Act Annual Report outlines efforts being made across the entire provincial government to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and covers the period between April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. We are grateful to the many people whose time, energy, leadership, and expertise are reflected in the work outlined in the report.

B.C. is our home. And as neighbours, we are stronger when we work together to build a brighter future for everyone. In other words, a rising tide lifts all boats.

We all want to build a good life here – but for too long, Indigenous Peoples have been pushed aside.​ Indigenous Peoples continue to face racism, discrimination, poverty and poor health outcomes.

Our ongoing work seeks to address those inequities and support the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples. Reconciliation is a shared responsibility, and when we all do our part, we all feel the benefits.

The path of partnership laid out in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan – working together with Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, local and federal governments, organizations, and businesses – is the route to a better future.

This is the fifth Declaration Act Annual Report. It details work underway on 60 of 89 specific actions and reflects the tremendous efforts being made across all governments and partners to put our collective words into action in our communities. 

Partnerships are supporting healthy communities, economic opportunity, services that make life easier, and sustainable stewardship of the land, water and resources. 

We are working shoulder-to-shoulder with First Nations to develop mechanisms for co-operation and co-investment in housing and infrastructure; economic development and job creation; and new ways of achieving certainty, especially related to the sustainable development of natural resources.

This is vital to the future of our province, as communities around B.C. depend on sustainable resource development to keep people working, businesses open and local economies running.

By collaborating and co-operating with Indigenous Peoples, we are taking thoughtful action on reconciliation: 

  • Building unique partnerships encourages investment and improves the services and infrastructure we all rely on.​
  • Eliminating laws and policies that deny equal opportunity for Indigenous Peoples to build a good life.
  • Restoring Indigenous jurisdiction over child and family services, helping to keep families safely together.
  • Changing the way First Nations can acquire, hold and register fee simple land in B.C., reducing discriminatory and racist barriers.
  • Improving outcomes for students with First Nations educators teaching First Nations children; and implementing a new graduation requirement to ensure all students complete Indigenous-focused coursework before they graduate from the B.C. education system.
  • Recognizing the importance of First Nations post-secondary institutes with funding to support the revitalization of First Nations languages and cultures and to provide quality education to First Nations learners.

By working together, we’re building strong partnerships with Indigenous Peoples, and creating a brighter future for all British Columbians.

Advancing the Declaration Act

Section 5 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act requires an annual report on progress made towards the alignment of provincial laws with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the implementation of the Declaration Act, all to be done in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous Peoples.

Review progress of the Declaration Act Action Plan

The Declaration Act Action Plan includes 89 tangible, achievable actions in the areas of self-determination and self-government, rights and title, ending anti-Indigenous racism, and enhancing social, cultural and economic well-being.

Self-Determination and Inherent Right of Self-Government

Title and Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Ending Indigenous-Specific Racism and Discrimination

Social, Cultural and Economic Well-Being

Alignment of laws (Section 3) 

Shared Priorities Framework with Modern Treaty Nations

Distinctions Based Approach

Declaration Act Engagement Fund