
Draft a report with recommendations for how BC Parks can better reflect Indigenous Peoples’ histories and cultures in provincial parks and protected areas.

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

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Current year


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A new report, “Reflecting Indigenous Peoples’ Histories and Cultures in BC Parks and Protected Areas: Progress Report and Recommendations” has been drafted. To develop the report, the former Parliamentary Secretary of Environment held meetings with five First Nations partners. Feedback was solicited on BC Parks’ efforts to incorporate First Nations’ histories and cultures into parks and protected areas. Interviews were also performed with BC Parks staff and executive, and a desktop review of collaborative cultural projects in parks and protected areas was completed. The results were used to draft the report which includes set of recommendations, highlighting how BC Parks can continue and build upon important partnerships with First Nations.

How are we working together?

The draft report was completed with input from five of the many First Nations partners the agency has collaborated with. Each of these partners provided their perspectives, priorities, and recommendations for how BC Parks can improve the reflection of Indigenous Peoples’ histories and cultures in parks and protected areas.

Are there challenges?

No challenges identified.