
Advance a collaborative, whole-of-government approach in the partnership between the Métis Nation of British Columbia and the Province of B.C., respecting Métis self-determination and working to establish more flexibility and sustainability in funding.

Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation

Year started


Current year


How far along
is this work?


How complicated
is this work?


Are there


How are we
working together?


Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) and the Province of British Columbia have reset their relationship to support the B.C.-Métis relations table and fulfill objectives under the Declaration Act Action Plan. The formation of technical tables specific to economic development, culture, housing, health and emergency management are significant steps forward in supporting Métis reconciliation efforts with MNBC’s 25,000 Registered Citizens. The Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR) continues to provide annual capacity from the Indigenous program fund ($750,000), and has provided capacity for alignment of laws with the Declaration Act Action Plan through to March 2025 ($1 million). 

MNBC provides progress reporting for the Indigenous funding program that supports the B.C. – Métis relations table, which is mandated to develop a Métis Reconciliation Agreement. MIRR is leading work on indicator development and have initiated meetings with MNBC.

How are we working together?

MIRR is engaging with MNBC through a quarterly senior leadership table, monthly staff table and topic-specific technical tables. 

The staff table meets regularly to ensure progress on Action Plan item 4.20. Each quarter, MIRR and MNBC convene the senior leadership table to provide oversight of the reconciliation process.

This collaborative approach ensures that work done at the staff table aligns with MNBC’s strategic priorities. Action plan indicator development is co-developed.

Are there challenges?

The development and introduction of a distinctions-based approach necessitated a pause in the work. As it is completed and being implemented, additional work is required to ensure its integration is done in a way that continues the path to reconciliation. 

Previous years’ progress

2022/2023 progress details

Action 4.20 – Year 1 progress image shows: How far along – planning, how complicated is the work – some complexity, are there challenges – some challenges, how are we working together – notable engagement.


The Province has committed to providing $1 million in funding over the next two fiscal years to Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) to support Action Plan engagement and implementation and alignment of provincial laws with the UN Declaration. The Province also committed to providing $390,000 for delivery of community-led programs in the 39 Métis Chartered Communities engaging with school districts, municipalities, regional districts and other organizations and agencies to address social, cultural and economic initiatives and activities.

A Letter of Intent was signed between the Province and MNBC, which initiated the BC-Métis Relations Table in November 2021. The table advances a new whole-of-government approach to Métis relations as a partnership between the Province and MNBC, respecting Métis self-determination. A key goal of the table is to co-develop a reconciliation agreement that is aligned with and supports MNBC priorities, including fiscal priorities.


  • Agreement signed: Letter of Intent signed between the Province and Métis Nation BC, which initiated the BC-Métis Relations Table (November 2021). 
  • Strategic engagement underway: Five BC-Métis Relations Table sub-tables established and ongoing: housing; health and mental health; environmental protection; economic development; and heritage and culture.

How are we working together?

The Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR) is engaging with MNBC bi-weekly through the technical BC-Métis Relations Table. Each quarter, MIRR staff and executive engages with MNBC political leadership at a senior leadership table. Regular engagement keeps MNBC informed on invitations for consultation on policy and legislation.

Are there challenges?

There are gaps across the public service with regard to understanding the history and provincial relationship with Métis people in British Columbia. While there is agreement that Métis do not hold site-specific section 35 rights in B.C., discussions on social areas of self-determination would help advance Métis communities to thrive and be full participants in the social, cultural and economic landscape of the province.