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As committed to in the First Nations Children and Youth in Care Protocol, co-develop and implement measures to support improved education outcomes of current and former First Nation children and youth in care, including meaningful data collection to inform policy planning and service delivery.

Ministry of Education and Child Care; Ministry of Children and Family Development; Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

Year started


Current year


How far along
is this work?

How complicated
is this work?

Are there

How are we
working together?


On November 22, 2023, leadership from the Ministry of Education and Child Care (ECC), the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills (PSFS), the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC), and the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) met as an oversight table to approve a co-developed workplan designed to implement key aspects of the protocol. This marks an important step towards operationalizing the children and youth in care (CYIC) protocol that aims to improve the educational outcomes for First Nations children and youth in care and former youth in care.

The oversight table will continue to meet bi-annually to ensure that the objectives of the protocol and the workplan are being met.

A First Nations CYIC Protocol workplan and technical table terms of reference, endorsed by the oversight table, was completed November 22, 2023.

One of the milestones completed was collection of qualitative and quantitative data regarding existing school-based supports, services, and expenditures for children and youth in care.

How are we working together?

The Ministry meets regularly with FNESC, FNLC, and other provincial ministries as a technical working table to implement key actions and milestones from the workplan.

An oversight table with representation from senior leadership at FNESC and FNLC, and the Ministers of ECC, MCFD and PSFS is required to meet twice per year to review and provide feedback on progress to date. The oversight table met on November 22, 2023, and again on April 12, 2024.

Are there challenges?

Organizational capacity based on competing priorities for all parties (ECC, MCFD, PSFS, FNLC, and FNESC) to meet key milestones and deliverables within the established timelines.

Identified limitations to existing legislation and sharing agreements may require changes as they impact the ability to complete the action.