
Shift from short-term transactional arrangements to the co-development of long-term agreements that recognize and support reconciliation, self-determination, decision-making and economic independence.

Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation

Year started


Current year


How far along
is this work?


How complicated
is this work?


Are there


How are we
working together?


Long-term agreements demonstrate a structured and intentional approach towards reconciliation. Increasing the number of signed long-term agreements demonstrates an emphasis on being intentional about progress toward reconciliation with a focus on achieving self-determination, decision making and economic independence.

Over the reporting period, ten long-term agreements were co-developed that recognize and support reconciliation, self-determination, decision making and economic independence:

  • Ktunaxa Nation Interim Revenue Sharing Agreement (Columbia River Treaty) – June 8, 2023
  • Syilx Okanagan Nation Alliance Interim Revenue Sharing Agreement (Columbia River Treaty) – June 8, 2023
  • Secwepemc Interim Revenue Sharing Agreement (Columbia River Treaty) – June 8, 2023
  • Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council Land and Resource Decision Making Agreement – June 28, 2023
  • Tseshaht Contribution Agreement – July 6, 2023
  • Ts’uubaa-asatx First Nation Incremental Treaty Agreement – July 7, 2023
  • Nang K’uula Nang K’uulaas (Haida Nation Recognition Agreement) – July 19, 2023
  • Kwadacha Nation Reconciliation Framework Agreement – February 16, 2024
  • Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Consultation Engagement Agreement – 2023 to 2026
  • Xwulqw’selu Watershed Planning Agreement with Cowichan Tribes – May 12, 2023

Several treaty tables are in stage 5 negotiations and after decades of hard work, the Province is working to initial treaty agreements. Initiating starts the ratification process where First Nations vote on the treaty. 

Both treaties and other agreements contribute to achieving reconciliation and creating economic opportunities and sustainable, healthy and resilient communities. Several negotiations continue on a range of agreements inside and outside of the treaty process. 

How are we working together?

The negotiation of long-term agreements is a collaborative process with First Nations that requires ongoing engagement. These negotiations involve close working relationships and the co-development of collaborative solutions. 

The Province is working with First Nations and the federal government to create innovative agreements that are flexible and better suited to addressing the needs of individual Nations. This past year, the Province signed several unique and diverse agreements to exemplify this action, including with the Haida Nation, Kwadacha Nation and others. Engagement is ongoing with First Nations across B.C. through regular meetings to negotiate additional agreements to support reconciliation, self-determination, shared decision-making and economic independence. The Province also engages with local government, the public and stakeholder groups on an on-going basis. 

Are there challenges?

The negotiation of long-term agreements is a collaborative process with First Nations that requires ongoing engagement, and this can be impacted by challenges in capacity across all levels of government and First Nations partners. As new agreements demonstrate change and positive steps towards reconciliation, there will be increased demand on capacity. Another challenge is that new and innovative approaches to achieve long-term reconciliation may require new policy and legislation. This work takes time and requires cross government co-ordination with First Nations and their representative bodies, as well as public and stakeholder engagement.

Previous years’ progress

2022/2023 progress details

Action 1.02 – Year 1 progress image shows: How far along – implementation, how complicated is the work – notable complexity, are there challenges – some challenges, how are we working together – moderate engagement.


Stz’uminus First Nation and B.C. entered a reconciliation agreement in March 2022 that sets out commitments to work together on community priorities, future land transfers and economic development, while also establishing funding for future environmental remediation activities in Ladysmith Harbour.

The Wei Wai Kum First Nation and the Province signed an Incremental Treaty Agreement in August 2022 that will transfer 2,276 hectares of territorial lands back to Wei Wai Kum and help boost the Nation’s economic activities.

B.C. and the 3Nations Society (Tahltan, Kaska and Taku River Tlingit) renewed and strengthened the regional partnership under an agreement in September 2022. This agreement provides stable funding for ongoing, community-driven initiatives and builds on previous successes.

The Province purchased ranch lands for Stswecem’c Xget’tem First Nation to be returned to as part of treaty negotiations with the Northern Secwépemc te Qelmúcw (NStQ) and entered an umbrella agreement in December 2022 that will help resolve ranching issues in the NStQ treaty negotiations.

Lake Babine Nation and the Province took the next step in the journey to recognize and implement the Nation’s rights and title through the signing of a new land transfer agreement in January 2023.

Several treaty tables are in Stage 5 negotiations with conclusion of some expected in 1-2 years.

Several tables are in reconciliation negotiations outside of the treaty process and are expected to conclude negotiations between 1-3 years.

Long-term agreements demonstrate a structured and intentional approach towards reconciliation. Increasing the number of signed long-term agreements demonstrates emphasis on being intentional about progress toward reconciliation, focused on achieving self-determination, decision-making and economic independence.


  • The number of agreements signed: Five co-developed long-term agreements that recognize and support reconciliation, self-determination, decision-making and economic independence.

How are we working together?

The negotiation of long-term agreements is a collaborative process with First Nations that requires ongoing engagement. These negotiations involve close working relationships and the co-development of collaborative solutions.

Together, the Province is working with First Nations and the federal government to create innovative agreements that are flexible and better suited to addressing the needs of individual Nations. This past year, the Province signed several unique and diverse agreements to exemplify this action including with the Lake Babine Nation, Wei Wai Kum Nation, Stz’uminus First Nation and others. Engagement is ongoing with First Nations throughout B.C. through regular meetings to negotiate additional agreements to support reconciliation, self-determination, decision-making and economic independence.

Are there challenges?

New and innovative approaches to achieve long-term reconciliation may require new policy and legislation. This work takes time and requires co-ordination within government, as well as co-operation with negotiation partners. As new agreements demonstrate change and positive steps towards reconciliation, there will be increased demand on provincial capacity. Recruiting and retaining knowledgeable and experienced teams is a challenge in the current labour market.